Review Week to Planning Week
A schedule like this is only effective as whether or not a student decides to go through with it, though it might help and even convince students to work earlier if you had more time dedicated to planning out the goals and workflow for students since they will unquestionably be taking this class alongside other classes, and therefore get a sense for when the best time to work on this class is.
Expand Planning Options
I've hardly ever had to do a planning post in this course, but knowing better procedures about how to plan and brainstorm plots and character sketches would be valuable for those that need the information. Perhaps having somewhat detailed examples of plot structures and supplemental readings about character construction will help.
More Audio Recordings
I am not going to ask for an instructor to record every story; that would be incessantly demanding. However, the existence of recorded versions of storybooks provides a layer of accessibility for potentially blind students. I'm sure there are audio recordings available online if you go digging.
More Tutorial Videos
Topics like the various time tenses, transitive and intransitive verbs, and story structure are topics that I think would be valuable for future students. Though I prefer to read such a tutorial, so as not to spend too much time repeating a video over and over, I cannot deny that there is an effectiveness to video lessons, and is another option for students learning. You probably don't even need to record them yourself; you could find some online.
Thematic Reading Units
We technically already pare the weeks down in terms of segments of culture, but I think this could also expose students to new ideas to inspire and influence their own writing. Stories focused on a certain writing style or a certain kind of plot structure or subject matter expose students to new ways of telling stories, thus expanding their potential to become better writers.
Extra: Thematic Feedback
This idea goes in line with your Thematic Reading Units idea, assuming writing tutorials are a part of the course as well: If you're going to provide reading units based on certain themes, plots, and writing styles, naturally you'd probably want the students to take reading notes to write a story in that style. Perhaps you could find time for people to leave feedback on these reading notes to pass on helpful advice about story-writing between students. I don't know if you'd have time in the class schedule to fit this in, but it might help alongside supplemental materials on writing to make this feel more like a class about growing as a writer!
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Week 14 Story: Inhumanity, We Trust
“Mmm… Nwaaaaaaaahhhh…”
Good morning…
…Breasts…Long hair...Shorter... "Monday…"
Welp, time waits for no man… Woman.
…Into the shower, struggling to maintain my wavy mess of blonde, rather than a messy mop of brown…
…Blue lightweight hoodie…jeans… Nearly forgot the bra…again…
…This is the wallet I used yesterday. Stay focused…
Out I go. As usual, a pale, black-haired guy dressed in a black tank top and shorts slumps toward his bedroom, red eyes baggy and fanged mouth agape.
“Good night…” He grumbles.
“Good morning…” I retort dryly.
It’s too early for both of us.
Oh, sorry, you probably have no idea what’s going on. My name’s Sal. Sal Gaiman.
Mr. Sunshine back there was Blake. He’s a vampire.
You’re probably thinking: “isn’t that dangerous?!” Not really. We keep plenty of tomato juice. And all the tenants in this house are inhuman, anyway.
…Maybe I should start from the beginning.
Vampires, dullahans, etcetera… Used to live in everyday life, right? Not anymore; lifestyles that worked in spread-out villages failed when humans moved to tightly packed and monitored cities.
History shows humans react poorly, speaking generously, to our kind. With law enforcement now breathing down your neck at every living moment, that’s a big problem!
Born or made inhuman, we adapt from human norms to keep living. Vampires can’t suck blood under police watch, succubi can’t have sex to get proper life force intake without murder accusations, and dullahans can’t work because they can’t hold two things: jobs not involving killing people, and their heads.
Myself? I’m not really a girl, I’m born male. Starting on my eighteenth last Fall, on even-numbered days, I’d turn female, switching back on odd days. Apparently magic considers Sunday Day One of the week.
Shapeshifting mages can pass on this hereditary quirk in their…soul? Their children aren’t acclimated to, and… Argh…it’s…complicated. Lily explained this better; Her parents once drained souls 24/7.
Anyway, two routines…two jobs…two wardrobes…two IDs. I’m effectively living a double-life except here at home.
Awkward…to the say the least. Hence why I don’t share a room with my housemates.
Blake’s probably halfway asleep by now, and Lily’s plopped on the couch grumbling in her fuchsia PJs, hair long, straight, and snow white. Typical morning.
But Kelly’s actually got her redhead on straight this morning. Smiling, too.
Sitting on the couch, I think this’ll be an atypical morning. “Good…morning?”
Lily grumbled, “What’s good about it…?”
I know that look: the “two-weeks-without-doing-it” look. “You….really need a hobby.”
“I can’t help if it’s my nature! What’s a girl gotta do to get a diMMMMPPHHH!” Made it just in time…!
“Keep it down?!” My face feels like it’s burning... “Wake the whole block, why don’t ya? Least of all our sleep-deprived bloodsucker…!”
“Shurrhreehhh…” Oh, right. Remove hand. “Sorry…but you gotta understand where I’m-”
Yep, definitely burning. “No, I don’t.”
“…Really? Curiosity never crossed your-“
“No!” Definitely awake now, too…
“C’mon… You’re suuuuurreeee…? ♥”
Can we just change the topic?!
“Breakfast’s ready!” Bless you, Kelly!
I scrambled to the table, Lily behind… Pancakes, huh? “What’s the occasion?”
Kelly bounced gleefully in my direction, “Haha! I finally got- Whoop!” Nearly lost her head there. Didn’t stop her smile, though. “Ahem…finally got a job!”
Well! Call me a liar! “That’s great!”
“So, what’re you losing your head over?” Lily…
“If you must know…” Kelly huffed, “I’m officially...starting a butcher!”
..... Yep, atypical morning.
“Isn’t that great?! I can finally be like my parents without hurting humans! And if my head falls off, I won’t blow my cover!” Don’t sound so pleased about that! And don’t pull your head off while saying it!
“Earning a one-way ticket to the casket and unemployment.” Blunt, but Lily has a point…
“Ugh… Okay, Lily, your suggestions?” You might regret that.
“Well…I can think of a few…”
There’s the blush… “I-I-I meant no lewd suggestions!”
“Killjoy. Alright…how ‘bout a neckerchief?”
“It’s Summer.”
“… Stitching?”
“Painful! And you’re not a surgeon!” Well, at least she tried.
“I dunno what else. Quit this bad idea?”
“At least it’s a job!”
“Hey, I have a-”
“One-night stands are not enough for rent!”
“The hell’s with the noise?!” Crap…Blake’s up…
“Kel’s getting a job as a butcher, and can’t keep her head on.” Lily…
“… Huh?! I thought you were trying to stop killing humans?! You don’t even own a hockey mask, or-”
I sighed. “A meat butcher, Blake.” Too many late-night movies again… Not to say nocturnal bloodsuckers have plenty of options…
“… Oh. How about a scar-“
“It’s Summer.” Like a synchronized chorus.
“Oh, right… Um…tough it out? It’s better than prostitution.”
“Okay, I get it! My job sucks…” Lily’s smirking. Not good. ”Hey, Sal, that bar you work at hiring?”
“I draw enough suspicions sharing a surname with myself. The last thing I need is getting a nympho hired.”
“Still healthier than you, Ms. No Fun Fondles.”
“Can we have a conversation not about my breasts for one day?!”
“At least I acknowledge I’m all about sex. You’re such a prude it’s hilarious.”
“Well, surprise, not all men think with their dicks!”
Don’t laugh! “Okay, fair enough. Still…it’s unhealthy to deny your other half like this.”
What’s she talking abou-
“She’s right, you know.” Kelly, not you, too… “Sure, parts of being a dullahan are…inconvenient, but I can’t just deny them.”
“Yeah…vampirism sucks, this day and age… At least I found something to cope with it.” Even Blake…?
Good morning…
…Breasts…Long hair...Shorter... "Monday…"
Welp, time waits for no man… Woman.
…Into the shower, struggling to maintain my wavy mess of blonde, rather than a messy mop of brown…
…Blue lightweight hoodie…jeans… Nearly forgot the bra…again…
…This is the wallet I used yesterday. Stay focused…
Out I go. As usual, a pale, black-haired guy dressed in a black tank top and shorts slumps toward his bedroom, red eyes baggy and fanged mouth agape.
“Good night…” He grumbles.
“Good morning…” I retort dryly.
It’s too early for both of us.
Oh, sorry, you probably have no idea what’s going on. My name’s Sal. Sal Gaiman.
Mr. Sunshine back there was Blake. He’s a vampire.
You’re probably thinking: “isn’t that dangerous?!” Not really. We keep plenty of tomato juice. And all the tenants in this house are inhuman, anyway.
…Maybe I should start from the beginning.
Vampires, dullahans, etcetera… Used to live in everyday life, right? Not anymore; lifestyles that worked in spread-out villages failed when humans moved to tightly packed and monitored cities.
History shows humans react poorly, speaking generously, to our kind. With law enforcement now breathing down your neck at every living moment, that’s a big problem!
Born or made inhuman, we adapt from human norms to keep living. Vampires can’t suck blood under police watch, succubi can’t have sex to get proper life force intake without murder accusations, and dullahans can’t work because they can’t hold two things: jobs not involving killing people, and their heads.
Myself? I’m not really a girl, I’m born male. Starting on my eighteenth last Fall, on even-numbered days, I’d turn female, switching back on odd days. Apparently magic considers Sunday Day One of the week.
Shapeshifting mages can pass on this hereditary quirk in their…soul? Their children aren’t acclimated to, and… Argh…it’s…complicated. Lily explained this better; Her parents once drained souls 24/7.
Anyway, two routines…two jobs…two wardrobes…two IDs. I’m effectively living a double-life except here at home.
Awkward…to the say the least. Hence why I don’t share a room with my housemates.
Blake’s probably halfway asleep by now, and Lily’s plopped on the couch grumbling in her fuchsia PJs, hair long, straight, and snow white. Typical morning.
But Kelly’s actually got her redhead on straight this morning. Smiling, too.
Sitting on the couch, I think this’ll be an atypical morning. “Good…morning?”
Lily grumbled, “What’s good about it…?”
I know that look: the “two-weeks-without-doing-it” look. “You….really need a hobby.”
“I can’t help if it’s my nature! What’s a girl gotta do to get a diMMMMPPHHH!” Made it just in time…!
“Keep it down?!” My face feels like it’s burning... “Wake the whole block, why don’t ya? Least of all our sleep-deprived bloodsucker…!”
“Shurrhreehhh…” Oh, right. Remove hand. “Sorry…but you gotta understand where I’m-”
Yep, definitely burning. “No, I don’t.”
“…Really? Curiosity never crossed your-“
“No!” Definitely awake now, too…
“C’mon… You’re suuuuurreeee…? ♥”
Can we just change the topic?!
“Breakfast’s ready!” Bless you, Kelly!
(Stack of original pancakes by Jack and Jason's Pancakes, taken from Wikimedia Commons)
I scrambled to the table, Lily behind… Pancakes, huh? “What’s the occasion?”
Kelly bounced gleefully in my direction, “Haha! I finally got- Whoop!” Nearly lost her head there. Didn’t stop her smile, though. “Ahem…finally got a job!”
Well! Call me a liar! “That’s great!”
“So, what’re you losing your head over?” Lily…
“If you must know…” Kelly huffed, “I’m officially...starting a butcher!”
..... Yep, atypical morning.
“Isn’t that great?! I can finally be like my parents without hurting humans! And if my head falls off, I won’t blow my cover!” Don’t sound so pleased about that! And don’t pull your head off while saying it!
“Earning a one-way ticket to the casket and unemployment.” Blunt, but Lily has a point…
“Ugh… Okay, Lily, your suggestions?” You might regret that.
“Well…I can think of a few…”
There’s the blush… “I-I-I meant no lewd suggestions!”
“Killjoy. Alright…how ‘bout a neckerchief?”
“It’s Summer.”
“… Stitching?”
“Painful! And you’re not a surgeon!” Well, at least she tried.
“I dunno what else. Quit this bad idea?”
“At least it’s a job!”
“Hey, I have a-”
“One-night stands are not enough for rent!”
“The hell’s with the noise?!” Crap…Blake’s up…
“Kel’s getting a job as a butcher, and can’t keep her head on.” Lily…
“… Huh?! I thought you were trying to stop killing humans?! You don’t even own a hockey mask, or-”
I sighed. “A meat butcher, Blake.” Too many late-night movies again… Not to say nocturnal bloodsuckers have plenty of options…
“… Oh. How about a scar-“
“It’s Summer.” Like a synchronized chorus.
“Oh, right… Um…tough it out? It’s better than prostitution.”
“Okay, I get it! My job sucks…” Lily’s smirking. Not good. ”Hey, Sal, that bar you work at hiring?”
“I draw enough suspicions sharing a surname with myself. The last thing I need is getting a nympho hired.”
“Still healthier than you, Ms. No Fun Fondles.”
“Can we have a conversation not about my breasts for one day?!”
“At least I acknowledge I’m all about sex. You’re such a prude it’s hilarious.”
“Well, surprise, not all men think with their dicks!”
Don’t laugh! “Okay, fair enough. Still…it’s unhealthy to deny your other half like this.”
What’s she talking abou-
“She’s right, you know.” Kelly, not you, too… “Sure, parts of being a dullahan are…inconvenient, but I can’t just deny them.”
“Yeah…vampirism sucks, this day and age… At least I found something to cope with it.” Even Blake…?
“You could at least shake up your look. You still wear
the same clothes as a boy whil-”
“Okay! Fine,
Lily!” Back to my room…!
“There! Now
no one will mistake me for myself! Happy?!”
….. They’re just staring at the frilly skirt I put on...
Lily, c’mon…
“Kelly! Blake! What’re…?!” … Pfft…I can’t…either…
S-So stupid…! The morning started so…crappy! T-Then
one thing led to another…!
Ah… Dullahan, shapeshifter, succubus, and vampire! Definitely not a nuclear family…!
…But I wouldn’t trade these goofballs for anything…
Author's Note
Author's Note
And now for something WACKY!
The Russian Folk Tales contain encounters with the supernatural where, not only are the worlds of humans and monsters are close together, monsters are prone to hide in human society, such as the witch in The Witch Girl and the dullahan in The Headless Princess. This notion of human-likes trying to blend in human society spurred my comedic side, and the result is this eclectic bunch of weirdoes trying to be human in a society that negatively views them.
I felt having a first-person view through one of the characters would give a good level of intimacy with the characters and humor, and the jokes stemmed from preconceptions of how we see these monsters typically and how they are affected by the heavily-mediated society of the modern era. Example: vampires stalk targets in the dead of night to drink blood, but with higher night-life activity, vampires cannot go out at night without being spotted. And since vampires sleep during the day anyways, we turn one of the most feared creatures of the night into an irritable shut-in whose only real world experience is fabricated and fictional, such as in movies.
Practically the only character that doesn't have a direct counterpart is Sal; shapeshifters are a concept spreading across mythologies, but there aren't specific creatures who only change gender. As for why a gender-changing character, partially stemming from my love of Your Name./Kimi no Na wa., I find the concept fascinating, as they tend to be interesting sources of humor and commentary on social norms and psychology.
I knew I wanted this to be more of a slice-of-life kind of story rather than seeming to have a definite conclusion, but the problems therein are: "where do you go?" and "where do you stop?" I decided to have their non-sequitrs come full-circle to emphasize the strange interconnected quality of our problems and experiences in everyday life. It's also funny how I also come full-circle from a story involving a butcher to having a character who decides to take a job as a butcher! I hope you found something to laugh at, and thanks for reading all this time!
While I didn't find a place to drop them, Sal's housemates also have full names. Here they are:
Blake Keller
Lily Minett
Kelly Callaghan
The Russian Folk Tales contain encounters with the supernatural where, not only are the worlds of humans and monsters are close together, monsters are prone to hide in human society, such as the witch in The Witch Girl and the dullahan in The Headless Princess. This notion of human-likes trying to blend in human society spurred my comedic side, and the result is this eclectic bunch of weirdoes trying to be human in a society that negatively views them.
I felt having a first-person view through one of the characters would give a good level of intimacy with the characters and humor, and the jokes stemmed from preconceptions of how we see these monsters typically and how they are affected by the heavily-mediated society of the modern era. Example: vampires stalk targets in the dead of night to drink blood, but with higher night-life activity, vampires cannot go out at night without being spotted. And since vampires sleep during the day anyways, we turn one of the most feared creatures of the night into an irritable shut-in whose only real world experience is fabricated and fictional, such as in movies.
Practically the only character that doesn't have a direct counterpart is Sal; shapeshifters are a concept spreading across mythologies, but there aren't specific creatures who only change gender. As for why a gender-changing character, partially stemming from my love of Your Name./Kimi no Na wa., I find the concept fascinating, as they tend to be interesting sources of humor and commentary on social norms and psychology.
I knew I wanted this to be more of a slice-of-life kind of story rather than seeming to have a definite conclusion, but the problems therein are: "where do you go?" and "where do you stop?" I decided to have their non-sequitrs come full-circle to emphasize the strange interconnected quality of our problems and experiences in everyday life. It's also funny how I also come full-circle from a story involving a butcher to having a character who decides to take a job as a butcher! I hope you found something to laugh at, and thanks for reading all this time!
While I didn't find a place to drop them, Sal's housemates also have full names. Here they are:
Blake Keller
Lily Minett
Kelly Callaghan
Mythology & Foklore Russian Folk Tales Unit, stories taken from Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by W. R. S. Ralston
Wikipedia research on the dullahan
Wikipedia research on the dullahan
Monday, April 24, 2017
Reading Notes: Russian Folk Tales Unit, Part B

(Old Russian Graveyard near Dutch Harbor, Alaska (Nov. 15, 2007), posted to Flickr by user Sonya (Creative Commons License), no changes made)
The Headless Princess concerns a sort of dullahan-like creature attempting to blend into human society, even the father of the headless girl dodges her supernatural nature by paying the priest's son who imprisoned her instead of killing her as compensation.
Considering dullahans, living corpses, demons, warlocks and other sorts of things live close to humanity in this world, one has to wonder how they manage to stay hidden...
A lot of the creatures, like vampires and zombies, can be born from human transformation. To be human, yet not truly human... How would someone live in a world where you are treated lesser because of that?
As The Two Corpses demonstrates with the two undead figures arguing over who gets to eat the soldier on the grounds of whose property he was on first,, their conversations seem very normal to their eyes, but rather strange when compared to socially-accepted norms. I like this humorous bit of conduct. What other norms are accepted by monsters and not humans?
There seem to be a fair bit of demonic goings-on in this half of the unit. It seems very easy in this storybook for the worlds of demons and mortals to intersect, and for its residents to traverse between them.
The Two Friends demonstrate the potential cruel mistress known as time, telling us through the a loss of 300 years that letting time run out of your control in ignorance without taking chances will bring pain to yourself and those around you.
It also must be an indescribable feeling to watch history fly by without being able to die of old age.
Graveyards are quite a recurring set-piece in this half of the unit, such as in The Coffin-Lid and The Two Friends. The common purpose seem to show the crucial interplay between the worlds of the living and dead in the development of the plot.
Mythology & Foklore Russian Folk Tales Unit, stories taken from Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by W. R. S. Ralston
Reading Notes: Russian Folk Tales Unit, Part A
(Leshy (1906) by Н. Н. Брут, Magazine taken from Wikimedia Commons (Public Domain Tag))
What is the world like below the lake in The Water Snake? Is it a mirror image of ours? Just where everyone else is different in form?
The Leshy is an interesting being: it apparently leads travelers astray, capable of taking any form in order to accomplish this. Not only that, but apparently those he abducts lose their memories in the time they spend next to the Leshy.
Does the Leshy even remember why it is the way it is?
According to The Metamorphosis of the Dnieper, the Volga, and the Dvina, apparently becoming a river was an acceptable career choice in the old days. Did any other natural forces start this way?
What if a figure like the pike in Emilian the Fool offered something greater than good luck in exchange for sparing his life?
The Dead Mother sets up mystery through a seemingly contradictory set of events, culminating in a supernatural reveal at the end with the titular dead mother. This kind of mystery could be applied to other occult phenomena, like possession or sudden memory loss.
The Bad Wife introduces and interesting antagonistic force: a wife who only interprets the opposite of what her husband says to and asks of her. With such devotion to this personality, one has to wonder if it's all an act.
However, if true, I wonder if a relationship could ever bloom under such a relationship?
The imp in this story demonstrates powers of possession, causing people to act outside of accepted norms and beyond their personalities. How much of this is the imp's work is not totally clear; if he's drawing out inhibitions or imprinting his own personality.
Frugality and greed seem to be common themes in this half of the unit, especially apparent in The Treasure, The Three Copecks, and The Miser.
However, if true, I wonder if a relationship could ever bloom under such a relationship?
The imp in this story demonstrates powers of possession, causing people to act outside of accepted norms and beyond their personalities. How much of this is the imp's work is not totally clear; if he's drawing out inhibitions or imprinting his own personality.
Frugality and greed seem to be common themes in this half of the unit, especially apparent in The Treasure, The Three Copecks, and The Miser.
What is the world like below the lake in The Water Snake? Is it a mirror image of ours? Just where everyone else is different in form?
The Leshy is an interesting being: it apparently leads travelers astray, capable of taking any form in order to accomplish this. Not only that, but apparently those he abducts lose their memories in the time they spend next to the Leshy.
Does the Leshy even remember why it is the way it is?
According to The Metamorphosis of the Dnieper, the Volga, and the Dvina, apparently becoming a river was an acceptable career choice in the old days. Did any other natural forces start this way?
What if a figure like the pike in Emilian the Fool offered something greater than good luck in exchange for sparing his life?
Mythology & Foklore Russian Folk Tales Unit, stories taken from Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by W. R. S. Ralston
Mythology & Foklore Russian Folk Tales Unit, stories taken from Russian Fairy Tales: A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore by W. R. S. Ralston
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Week 13 Story: Starcrossed
“…families under the
stars tonight, for the annual Herschel Meteor Showers...”
“…stage set for three romantic starlit evenings…”
Gimme a break…
“…now, the Top Ten Singles’ Stargazing Songs!”
“Oh, c’mon!” That’s it. Off with you. Damn radio…
Why even bother? Practically the only thing worth all these rocks and dust are the stars, but even those lost their luster.
Funny… eight years ago, this used to be the best time ever: lying down in my pickup truck in my tank top and jeans, guitar serenades on the radio, and the summer breeze under evening’s embrace.
‘Course, eight years ago…I wore one ring. On my finger. Not a second one, like my pendant.
Nowadays, it feels cold and lonely out here every year, on this night. More reason to pack it in once it’s over.
A silver streak darts across darkness, then another. Soon the sky filled with ‘em…
I can see her short blonde hair and dusk blue eyes among them…
“Beautiful… It’s like magic…”
“Victor…let’s do this every year… Please?”
We could've…and so much more… I wish…
Ugh…rub 'em out…it’s making the stars too bright…
… Actually, I think one of ‘em is getting brighter… And larger…
“Oh, shit!” Run away! Run away!
Holy. Shit! That meteor barely missed me!
The dust cleared up, giving a good view of the crater. I could hear crumbling dirt…and coughing?
A chirpy cough. A little girl, probably eight years old. Long blonde hair like a comet’s tail and a white dress dirty and tussled.
She rubbed open her grey eyes, like mine. She looked around, panicked, then glanced at me, then…the sky? “Ah! No!”
She bolted to the crater’s edge, waving frantically. “Come back! Come…back…”
The lights in the sky disappeared…
Her body's quivering.
Oh, no…
“Waaaaaaaahhhhhh! M-M-Muh… Mommy!!!”
Crap… I’ve never dealt with kids…
But I can’t just leave her here…
But she fell from the sky.
But her face… It looks…familiar, somehow.
“Um…I’ll…help you find mommy…” That just…came out.
She turned towards me, face messy with snot and tears. “Ruh…? …Really…?”
“R-Really... I- Oof!” Ow… Something’s around my waist…and something moist’s on my stomach.
“Faaank…huh…fooooo…” I think she just sobbed “thank you” into my shirt.
“Okay, there, there… Let’s…get you cleaned up first…”
Next morning, I had a plan.
Okay, not a plan. More like a hunch.
The Herschel Meteor Showers last three days – I don’t know the science, I just know that. The nearest highest point is Binary Mound. If I can get there in the next two, I might be able to get Halley home.
Yeah, Halley. Like Halley’s Comet. I came up with it, for good reason. She’s a bit rowdy in the car, even with coloring books, but two hours into our first drive...
“C’mon… Move ya…blockhead!” Gotta watch my language…
“Why are we so slow?” She asked innocently.
“Traffic… The bane of my nine-to-five…”
“What’s a ‘nine-to-five?’”
“Ugh… Nothing… Just wish we could move faster…”
…Her eyes are gleaming brightly… She's grinning? “Okay!”
Okay? What’s thaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH! FLYING!?
I can hear horns blaring below my truck!
Lemme down! Lemme do- Oh, thank God…! Stable, open, road.
“Heehee! Your face…”
“Wh-?! Did you…?”
She kept giggling. “It’s still...!”
“You… Not funny…!”
It didn’t stop there. Altered gas prices, sudden shortcuts… True to superstition, Halley can grant wishes.
She always apologized after some scolding, but I always bought her ice cream after. (She likes Rocky Road. Go figure.) I couldn’t stay mad at her for wanting to help.
Sometimes mischievous, ultimately harmless.
Binary Mound…named for two grassy slopes, shaped like swirling teardrops, the two merging into a hill at summit.
It’s the third night.
“Hurry!” Halley cried.
“I’m coming! Don’t go too far!”
She got tired ten minutes up, making me piggyback her. Silly girl…
“Why do you trust me?”
“Mommy said people wearing rings around their necks are good!”
“…Your mommy said?”
Something about that…
“Hey! Lookie!” Halley jumped down and started pointing above.
“Huh? Oh…my…”
We reached the summit. Silver tails swam above us in star-studded sapphire.
“It’s so pretty…!”
“Yeah… It’s like-”
Yeah, like- Wait. Who…?
A light fell from the sky again, but this one fell gentler than Halley did. A flowing, white dress formed.
A woman. Short blonde…hair… Dusk…blue…
“Mommy!” Halley rushed and hugged her...
The woman smiled sadly. “Hi, Victor. It’s been a while…”
“Died? Yes... Good spirits…go skyward when they die, becoming shooting stars, watching over those alive…”
“ Cute name, though.” She giggled, then sighed. “I’ve watched you for the past eight years, watching the meteor showers, both of us always wishing for a…”
“Mm-hm. That's how Halley was born.”
Halley looked between us, confused. “He’s…”
“Yeah,” Layla whispered, “I sent you here so you could live a real life…with Daddy.”
“And Mommy!” Halley bounced.
“… I’m sorry, dear…I can’t…”
Tears started pouring from Halley’s eyes. ”...W-Why not?”
“My time alive is up, sweetie… But you and Daddy…have so much ahead of you. I want to give you every chance to live it.”
“W-W-Will I ever…see you again…?”
Layla smiled sweetly. “I’ll always be with you, Halley. Every time you look at the stars. Be good for Daddy? For me?”
Halley kept tearing up, managing a shaky nod. “Uhh-kahhh… I’ll…hah…miss youuuuu…”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
Layla turned her smile towards me. We both grasped my necklace-ring, and I smiled back.
“…Take care of her…” She whispered.
“…I will…”
She ghosted her lips over mine. “…I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
All of us full of tears, Layla smiled once more and her light glided into the meteor parade.
“…Daddy…? I’m gonna miss Mommy…”
“…Me too, Halley…”
She smiled at me tearfully. “C-Can you…tell me a story about Mommy?”
I gave her my brightest smile. “Of course.”
My daughter drew close, we sat down, and I filled her head with stories about Mommy and me, underneath the stars we shared.
Author's Note
Engage maximum feels powers!
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales are a bit more grim in their imagery, but they still contain poignant messages and themes. I was particularly captured by the idea of determination to hold a wish close to your heart, as exemplified in The Brave Tin Soldier and The Little Mermaid, and so I decided to tackle that theme.
Coming off as a side effect of seeing Your Name./Kimi no Na Wa. in theaters, I wanted to tell a sadder story with a bit of a starry theme. Thinking about wishing on shooting stars, I found an interesting belief regarding humans as extraterrestrials in the form of shooting stars and Native American beliefs of shooting stars being the spirits of shamans and heroes. Combined with the elements of tragedy in loss, finding a purpose, and holding onto wishes, and I found a compelling plot of family beyond the stars.
Victor and Layla defy my usual over-the-top naming conventions this time (though "Layla" does have a meaning of "night."). Halley, meanwhile, is obviously named after Halley's Comet, which has had varying interpretations of foreboding destruction, but is ultimately harmless. I thought the dual nature of the comet could fit the demeanor of a child very well: provoking and somewhat misbehaved, but also innocent and misunderstood.
The Herschel Meteor Shower and Binary Mound aren't real things, but are rather named for the behavior of binary stars to symbolize the positions and actions of Victor, Layla, and Halley in the story. Binary star systems contain stars that orbit each other around a common center of mass, which upon collision produce an even brighter reaction and fade out.
I decided to try a new style of writing this time by writing events in a reactionary style from Victor's POV, which works for his own conflicts, but doesn't necessarily give much headroom for the other characters. It sacrifices the imagery I'm often fond of, but really gives a sense of character progression, I feel.
Along with the writing styleand the character limit, my trouble writing this was diluting what to include and exclude from my original idea. There are numerous situations that are humorous, sad, and heart-warming that I could write these characters in, and would love to; some ideas include ending with Halley's first day of school and Halley and Victor's first night living together. Unfortunately, I knew only so much could make it to make each character's impression strong and genuine. I hope you enjoy.
Mythology & Folklore: Andersen Fairy Tales Unit, stories written by Hans Christian Andersen
Research on star people, William Herschel, shooting stars, binary star systems, and Halley's Comet
“…stage set for three romantic starlit evenings…”
Gimme a break…
“…now, the Top Ten Singles’ Stargazing Songs!”
“Oh, c’mon!” That’s it. Off with you. Damn radio…
Why even bother? Practically the only thing worth all these rocks and dust are the stars, but even those lost their luster.
Funny… eight years ago, this used to be the best time ever: lying down in my pickup truck in my tank top and jeans, guitar serenades on the radio, and the summer breeze under evening’s embrace.
‘Course, eight years ago…I wore one ring. On my finger. Not a second one, like my pendant.
Nowadays, it feels cold and lonely out here every year, on this night. More reason to pack it in once it’s over.
A silver streak darts across darkness, then another. Soon the sky filled with ‘em…
I can see her short blonde hair and dusk blue eyes among them…
“Beautiful… It’s like magic…”
“Victor…let’s do this every year… Please?”
We could've…and so much more… I wish…
Ugh…rub 'em out…it’s making the stars too bright…
… Actually, I think one of ‘em is getting brighter… And larger…
“Oh, shit!” Run away! Run away!
Holy. Shit! That meteor barely missed me!
The dust cleared up, giving a good view of the crater. I could hear crumbling dirt…and coughing?
A chirpy cough. A little girl, probably eight years old. Long blonde hair like a comet’s tail and a white dress dirty and tussled.
She rubbed open her grey eyes, like mine. She looked around, panicked, then glanced at me, then…the sky? “Ah! No!”
She bolted to the crater’s edge, waving frantically. “Come back! Come…back…”
The lights in the sky disappeared…
Her body's quivering.
Oh, no…
“Waaaaaaaahhhhhh! M-M-Muh… Mommy!!!”
Crap… I’ve never dealt with kids…
But I can’t just leave her here…
But she fell from the sky.
But her face… It looks…familiar, somehow.
“Um…I’ll…help you find mommy…” That just…came out.
She turned towards me, face messy with snot and tears. “Ruh…? …Really…?”
“R-Really... I- Oof!” Ow… Something’s around my waist…and something moist’s on my stomach.
“Faaank…huh…fooooo…” I think she just sobbed “thank you” into my shirt.
“Okay, there, there… Let’s…get you cleaned up first…”
Next morning, I had a plan.
Okay, not a plan. More like a hunch.
The Herschel Meteor Showers last three days – I don’t know the science, I just know that. The nearest highest point is Binary Mound. If I can get there in the next two, I might be able to get Halley home.
Yeah, Halley. Like Halley’s Comet. I came up with it, for good reason. She’s a bit rowdy in the car, even with coloring books, but two hours into our first drive...
“C’mon… Move ya…blockhead!” Gotta watch my language…
“Why are we so slow?” She asked innocently.
“Traffic… The bane of my nine-to-five…”
“What’s a ‘nine-to-five?’”
“Ugh… Nothing… Just wish we could move faster…”
…Her eyes are gleaming brightly… She's grinning? “Okay!”
Okay? What’s thaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHH! FLYING!?
I can hear horns blaring below my truck!
Lemme down! Lemme do- Oh, thank God…! Stable, open, road.
“Heehee! Your face…”
“Wh-?! Did you…?”
She kept giggling. “It’s still...!”
“You… Not funny…!”
It didn’t stop there. Altered gas prices, sudden shortcuts… True to superstition, Halley can grant wishes.
She always apologized after some scolding, but I always bought her ice cream after. (She likes Rocky Road. Go figure.) I couldn’t stay mad at her for wanting to help.
Sometimes mischievous, ultimately harmless.
Binary Mound…named for two grassy slopes, shaped like swirling teardrops, the two merging into a hill at summit.
It’s the third night.
“Hurry!” Halley cried.
“I’m coming! Don’t go too far!”
She got tired ten minutes up, making me piggyback her. Silly girl…
“Why do you trust me?”
“Mommy said people wearing rings around their necks are good!”
“…Your mommy said?”
Something about that…
“Hey! Lookie!” Halley jumped down and started pointing above.
“Huh? Oh…my…”
We reached the summit. Silver tails swam above us in star-studded sapphire.
“It’s so pretty…!”
“Yeah… It’s like-”
Yeah, like- Wait. Who…?
A light fell from the sky again, but this one fell gentler than Halley did. A flowing, white dress formed.
A woman. Short blonde…hair… Dusk…blue…
“Mommy!” Halley rushed and hugged her...
The woman smiled sadly. “Hi, Victor. It’s been a while…”
“Died? Yes... Good spirits…go skyward when they die, becoming shooting stars, watching over those alive…”
“ Cute name, though.” She giggled, then sighed. “I’ve watched you for the past eight years, watching the meteor showers, both of us always wishing for a…”
“Mm-hm. That's how Halley was born.”
Halley looked between us, confused. “He’s…”
“Yeah,” Layla whispered, “I sent you here so you could live a real life…with Daddy.”
“And Mommy!” Halley bounced.
“… I’m sorry, dear…I can’t…”
Tears started pouring from Halley’s eyes. ”...W-Why not?”
“My time alive is up, sweetie… But you and Daddy…have so much ahead of you. I want to give you every chance to live it.”
“W-W-Will I ever…see you again…?”
Layla smiled sweetly. “I’ll always be with you, Halley. Every time you look at the stars. Be good for Daddy? For me?”
Halley kept tearing up, managing a shaky nod. “Uhh-kahhh… I’ll…hah…miss youuuuu…”
“I’ll miss you, too.”
Layla turned her smile towards me. We both grasped my necklace-ring, and I smiled back.
“…Take care of her…” She whispered.
“…I will…”
She ghosted her lips over mine. “…I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
All of us full of tears, Layla smiled once more and her light glided into the meteor parade.
“…Daddy…? I’m gonna miss Mommy…”
“…Me too, Halley…”
She smiled at me tearfully. “C-Can you…tell me a story about Mommy?”
I gave her my brightest smile. “Of course.”
My daughter drew close, we sat down, and I filled her head with stories about Mommy and me, underneath the stars we shared.
(Meteor shower photo, uploaded by user Jeries Nashashibi to Pexels)
Author's Note
Engage maximum feels powers!
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales are a bit more grim in their imagery, but they still contain poignant messages and themes. I was particularly captured by the idea of determination to hold a wish close to your heart, as exemplified in The Brave Tin Soldier and The Little Mermaid, and so I decided to tackle that theme.
Coming off as a side effect of seeing Your Name./Kimi no Na Wa. in theaters, I wanted to tell a sadder story with a bit of a starry theme. Thinking about wishing on shooting stars, I found an interesting belief regarding humans as extraterrestrials in the form of shooting stars and Native American beliefs of shooting stars being the spirits of shamans and heroes. Combined with the elements of tragedy in loss, finding a purpose, and holding onto wishes, and I found a compelling plot of family beyond the stars.
Victor and Layla defy my usual over-the-top naming conventions this time (though "Layla" does have a meaning of "night."). Halley, meanwhile, is obviously named after Halley's Comet, which has had varying interpretations of foreboding destruction, but is ultimately harmless. I thought the dual nature of the comet could fit the demeanor of a child very well: provoking and somewhat misbehaved, but also innocent and misunderstood.
The Herschel Meteor Shower and Binary Mound aren't real things, but are rather named for the behavior of binary stars to symbolize the positions and actions of Victor, Layla, and Halley in the story. Binary star systems contain stars that orbit each other around a common center of mass, which upon collision produce an even brighter reaction and fade out.
I decided to try a new style of writing this time by writing events in a reactionary style from Victor's POV, which works for his own conflicts, but doesn't necessarily give much headroom for the other characters. It sacrifices the imagery I'm often fond of, but really gives a sense of character progression, I feel.
Along with the writing style
Mythology & Folklore: Andersen Fairy Tales Unit, stories written by Hans Christian Andersen
Research on star people, William Herschel, shooting stars, binary star systems, and Halley's Comet
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